
AfReSlide studies landslides in Equatorial Africa and aims at identifying culturally, technically and economically feasible resilience strategies in order to cope with these disasters. Landslides cause fatalities and result in structural and functional damage to infrastructure and properties, as well as serious disruptions of the organization of societies. Contrasting to the need of local policymakers for tools that help them cope with disasters, research and information on landslides are far more limited in Equatorial Africa as compared to other continents. There are very few data at the continental and regional scale and it is difficult to have a clear picture of the total area affected.

AfReSlide was initiated in 2013 and terminated in 2018. The project was funded by  Belgian Federal Scientific Policy (Belspo), as part of the Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (BRAIN-be).

More information can be found on the website.